Git Repository Conventions

The development strategy required to use a "monorepo" in order to deploy all services using CI/CD pipeline. The repository contains multiple packages (microservices) that can but do not have to be related.

Project structure

The file structure for the monorepo should look like:

├── packages
|   ├── package 1
|   |   ├── .cxcloud.yaml
|   |   └── ...
|   ├── package 2
|   |   ├── .cxcloud.yaml
|   |   └── ...
|   └── package n
|       ├── .cxcloud.yaml
|       └── ...
├── .cxcloud.yaml
└── ...

Every microservice folder should include .cxcloud.yaml file with the configuration for Kubernetes.

There is no naming convention for the packages, but it is recommended to add a prefix to the microservice such as "package-" or "service-".

In order to simplify and optimize the workflow around development with the multi-package repository, the managing tool such as Lerna can be in use.

Last updated