Process Engine

A simple helper for using multiple AWS SQS queues at the same time. This tool provides an easy way to map incoming events to actions.

Installation and Usage

npm install @cxcloud/process-engine
import {
} from '@cxcloud/process-engine-core';

const pool = createQueuePool([
      name: 'my-sqs-queue',
      concurrency: 2
        conditions: [
            path: '',
            value: 'someValue'
            path: 'customer.type',
            value: 'gold'
        action: (message, sendMessage) => {
          console.log('Received Message:',;
          message.deleteMessage().then(() => {
            // Next should be called after each message is processed
    // CatchAll function (for events that don't match any of the processors)
    message => {
      console.error('No processor found');;
  createQueueProcessor(/* ... */),
  createQueueProcessor(/* ... */)



createQueuePool(processors: QueueProcessor[]) ⇒ QueuePool

This function creates a queue pool that can be started at the same time and queried to access each item.

The resulting QueuePool instance has the following methods:

  • start() — Start all the queue processor instances

  • findByName(name: String) ⇒ QueueProcessor — Find a queue processor instance

    by it's name

createQueueProcessor(options, actionMap, fallbackFn) ⇒ QueueProcessor

  • options (Object)

    • name (String) — Required: name of the remote queue to be watched

    • region (String) — the region to send/read service requests. Default is


    • accessKeyId (String) — your AWS access key ID. Default is


    • secretAccessKey (String) — your AWS secret access key. Default is


    • visibilityTimeout (Integer) — duration (in seconds) that the received

      messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved

      by a ReceiveMessage request.

    • waitTimeSeconds (Integer) — duration (in seconds) for which the call

      will wait for a message to arrive in the queue before returning. If a

      message is available, the call will return sooner than WaitTimeSeconds.

      Default is 20

    • maxNumberOfMessages (Integer) — maximum number of messages to return.

      Amazon SQS never returns more messages than this value but may return fewer.

      Default is 1

    • concurrency (Integer) — number of concurrency fetcher to start. Default

      is 1

    • debug (Boolean) — enable debug mode. Default is false

  • actionMap (Array of ActionMap). Each ActionMap (Object):

    • conditions (Array of Objects) — An array of conditions to meet. All of

      the conditions must be met for the function to be triggered.

      • path (String) — Object path (of the received event body)

      • value (String) — Value of the object path

    • action (Function) — The action function to be called when the conditions are met for a received event. Params:

      • event (Object) — The received evemt

        • type (String): default is "Message"

        • data (Unknown): JSON.parsed message.Body or a string (if could not be


        • message (Object): reference to the received message

        • name (String): name of the remote queue

        • url (String): url of the connected queue

        • deleteMessage() ⇒ Promise (Function):

          Helper to deleteMessage (or SQS.deleteMessage()) when the job is completed.

        • changeMessageVisibility(timeout) ⇒ Promise (Function):

          Helper to changeMessageVisibility (or SQS.changeMessageVisibility()) when the job is completed.

        • delay(timeout) ⇒ Promise (Function):

          Helper to changeMessageVisibility (or SQS.changeMessageVisibility()) without completing the job.

        • sendMessage(params = {}) ⇒ Promise (Function): send a new message in the queue

        • next() (Function): call this method when you've completed your jobs

          in the event callback.

      • sendMessage(params = {}) ⇒ Promise (Function) — A shortcut to send a message to the same queue processor that the event came from

  • fallbackFn — A fallback action in case a message doesn't match any conditions. Signature is same as the action mentioned above.

Last updated